Wednesday 5 December 2012

Continuous Compost Bins

The photograph above is of a Continuous Compost Bin. These type of compost bins come in many different shapes and sizes. This is the type of compost bin which is the most recommenced for your average gardener, because they require such little maintenance and care. This type of bin is called a Continuous Compost Bin because it composts continuously.. Clever name! As the materials in the bottom of the bin compost, you can keep adding the material as you get it. As the materials compost it will filter through the not-yet-decomposed items, and make its way to the removable drawer in the bottom of the bin. Once the compost lands in the drawer, it is ready to use as you please. The only maintenance that this type of device requires is an occasional turning, and the removal of the compost from the bottom bin!

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